Tag: Lambda layers

Using AWS CLI to SSH into EC2 instances

It is widely known that AWS offers browser-based and terminal access to EC2 instances. Many users, however, prefer utilizing their existing terminal applications for SSH access to their EC2 instances. ...

AWS Lambda layers for Python (using CDK)

What are Lambda layers? AWS Lambda layer is a custom code package that can be shared and used across multiple lambda functions. A lambda layer can contain libraries, custom runtimes, ...

Setting up recurring Out-of-Office replies with Microsoft Power Automate

This is a somewhat different blog, compared to FourCo’s usual content. But we believe many of you may still find this useful. In the Netherlands, working part-time is common, or ...

Fixing Cannot connect to the Docker daemon when having a python lambda with dependencies in gitlab CI/CD.

Recently I was working creating a pipeline in gitlab for a CDK stack and I encounter this PythonFunction: In the PythonFunction from @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-python-alpha module a lambda is been created and ...

CDK CustomResource to initialise RDS instances

In this post, I’m going to provide the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) resources using AWS CDK. I’m going to describe how to initialise an Amazon Relational Database (RDS) instances using ...

FourCo acquired by SLTN

SLTN (www.sltn.nl) has taken over 100% of the shares of the Amersfoort-based IT service provider FourCo IT Services (Fourco), with retroactive effect from 1 January 2023. FourCo IT Services provides ...

My experience on taking the AWS Certified Security – Specialty exam

I recently took, and passed, the AWS Certified Security – Specialty exam and wanted to share my experience with others. The exam is designed to test your knowledge of security ...

Setup GPG + SSH keys for multiple git profiles

Having multiple git accounts, either for personal use and/or having one or more for work, then is really handy to setup GPG keys to singing commits and SSH keys to ...

Writing your own AWS CDK constructs

What are CDK Constructs? CDK Constructs are components that represent individual or a collection of AWS cloud physical resources. They are code constructs and are building blocks of CDK apps ...

The limitations of AWS free tier

Intro As pretty much all users of AWS will be aware of by now, AWS offer a free tier of resources for certain of their managed services. This free tier ...

Speeding up Lambda development with SAM & CDK

At FourCo we are big fans of ‘serverless’. Letting your cloud provider take care of the provisioning of resources is completely in line with our ‘Low-ops/No-ops’ approach. Despite the many ...

When AWS CDK 2 does not deliver and AWS SDK for Javascript comes to the rescue

Introduction At FourCo we use Infrastructure as Code on a daily basis for our customer projects and since the introduction of AWS CDK in July 2019 it is possible to ...

AWS Lambda Powertools are awesome

At FourCo we make heavy use of Lambda Functions. I recently stumbled upon the AWS Lambda Powertools project, a suite of utilities for AWS Lambda Functions written in Python. They ...

Duplicate a Linux distro under WSL2

Other blog entries by my colleagues talked about WSL, you can check them: https://www.fourco.nl/blogs/installing-windows-subsystem-for-linux-2-wsl2-on-windows-10/ https://www.fourco.nl/blogs/access-to-wsl-filesystem-in-explorer/ Here I would like to address something I’m very used to. I duplicate the distributions ...

AWS Summit 2022 – The key takeaways

AWS Global Summits are events organized by Amazon. The idea is to bring the AWS cloud community together and help them bring up to speed with what AWS has been ...

Serverless Scraping for New Momentum

Pattern overview New Momentum is a research and consultancy agency at the interface of Social media and social change. For their projects I had to scrape several social media platforms ...

AWS Automation with boto3 and Lambda

Boto3 APIs and Serverless Lambdas are a kickass combination that can help you automate activities on AWS Cloud Boto3 is the AWS Python SDK! You can essentially perform any or ...

Access to WSL Filesystem in Explorer

When talking to people about the WSL and accessing their files, I have noticed some are still unaware of just how easy this is. In this short blog post, you ...

Backup and restore a Kubernetes cluster with Velero

Introduction In my previous blog post on Managed Kubernetes in the Cloud I’ve explained more on the theoretical side of managed Kubernetes services and upgrade strategies. In this post I’ll ...

Using Lambda and “aws:PrincipalOrgID” to centrally manage AWS Cloudwatch alarms at scale.

When AWS announced the introduction of the aws:PricipalOrgID attribute in resource-based policies, it became a lot easier to secure cross-account access to resources within an AWS Organization. It also helped ...

Managed Kubernetes in the Cloud

A general trend in IT infrastructure is containerization. At FourCo IT Services, we also notice more and more of our customers wanting to use containers for their platform, more specifically ...

AWS Lambda – Build and Deployment Strategies

Serverless – A short primer Serverless is essentially being able to run your application/code ‘somewhere’ and more importantly not be concerned about ‘where’ it runs. The ‘where’ here is not ...

Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) on Windows 10

The Windows Substem for Linux allows you to run a GNU/Linux environment on your Windows 10 system. May 2019 Microsoft made WSL2 available, a vast improvement on WSL1 because they ...

Deploying Helm charts using AWS-CDK

In this blog, we will be looking at deploying an application on Kubernetes using infrastructure as code. Describing your infrastructure as code is a good way to build and maintain ...